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Gokhan Avcioglu formed the GAD Foundation in Istanbul, Turkey in 2013 to bring architecture professionals and students together from all around the world to discuss and plan topics and issues related to architecture, design, society, education, culture and the environment. The GAD Foundation was founded within the scope of GAD Architecture and has been active in Istanbul and throughout Turkey.

What does the GAD Foundation do?
GAD Foundation works to positively affect practice and theory in architecture and urbanism with a focus on education, society and their intersection with architecture and urbanism. The GAD Foundation team organizes workshops, arranges internships, curates exhibitions, creates student exchange programs, provides architectural education, writes and publishes architecture publications, engages important architectural figures to connect them with students and society.

What are the goals of the GAD Foundation?
GAD Foundation aims to cultivate architecture, construction, engineering and design cultures; raise awareness and spread the word on topics in education; protect architectural heritage and establish the necessary organization towards these goals; promote architecture and art production from Turkey internationally; enhance solidarity among architects; support and reward diverse educational efforts and applications; conduct research projects in order to increase architectural knowledge; inform the general public about architecture; contribute to operations that provides innovative educational systems in educational institutions; and help successful students in supporting their education through supplemental training.

How does the GAD Foundation work?
The GAD Foundation is open to collaborations in domestic and/or international contexts for any type of academic, artistic, and cultural events in architecture and urbanism and to assist in promoting these events. One of the purposes of the Foundation is to establish promotional events to support educational and academic programming and conferences to improve the dissemination of architectural knowledge through media and social media partners; arranging national and international exchanges with relevant parties; to generate income to the GAD Foundation by providing services like education to institutions and corporations, collaborations with architects to provide spaces and opportunities for architects to work.

Working with the GAD Foundation
The GAD Foundation collaborates with individuals and institutions to develop knowledge in architecture, art, culture to create educational opportunities as mutual projects in the generation of cooperative events and programs.

The GAD Foundation is open to collaborators and supporters through an inclusive application system. Contact us info(at)